66th Annual Meeting - 2024 at Kilkea Castle, County Kildare, Ireland

The American Eye Study Club

The American Eye Study Club was established in 1956 by a group of ophthalmologists who would become distinguished figures in the profession. Founders included Thomas Hedges, Thomas Kearns, Howard Naquin, Edward Norton and Albert Ruedemann, Jr. The AESC was created to serve as a forum for young leaders from diverse academic, geographic and practice backgrounds to openly exchange ideas and discuss new developments in a scientific and social setting that included both members and their families.

Active membership is limited to 10 years so the Club will remain fresh and vibrant. Members graduate to "Emeritus" status in their 10th year and continue to contribute to the Club's sense of tradition through involvement in the annual meetings and other activities of the organization.

The Club's bylaws limit the number of Active members to 60 who, along with more than 125 Emeritus members, serve in leadership roles at the state, regional, national and international levels. Many members have served as president of the American Academy of Ophthalmology and/or as directors of the American Board of Ophthalmology. More than 30 have served as chairs of university departments of ophthalmology. Without question, our founders would be proud of the history and course followed by this organization and its members.

AESC members -- Please log-in to the website to enhance your user experience and to access members-only content.


Highlights & Things of Note

  • Mark your Calendars . .  the 67th Annual Meeting of the AESC will take place at the Coeur d'Alene Resort in Idaho.  Sunday, August 3 through Friday, August 8, 2025.

  • Disaster Assistance -- Two of our members have lost their homes in the recent Los Angeles fires.  The Club has established a "member assistance" program to facilitate donations from AESC members.  CLICK HERE to view details about this project.

Club News

Avery Weiss -- We are deeply saddened to mark the passing of our friend and colleague, Avery Weiss who passed away in Seattle from glioblastoma on December 1st at the age of 75.  Avery joined the AESC in 1987 and was a familiar face at Club events for many years.  He was a compassionate clinician, a wonderful teacher, a brilliant thinker and an insightful researcher.  Just as important, he had a quirky sense of humor which fit right in at Club meetings!    Donations in his memory may be made to Kline Galland Hospice, 7500 Seward Park Ave. S., Seattle, WA 98118.