American Eye Study ClubThe American Eye Study Club is a membership group organized as a non-profit corporation. Its officers which constitute the "executive committee" are: President
President-elect Secretary-Treasurer Recording Secretary Immediate Past-president To view the current officers, CLICK HERE. The target number of Active Members is 60, but with an absolute maximum of 64. After 10 years of Active membership (including attending at least 7 of 10 annual meetings), an Active member become an Emeritus member at the conclusion of the annual meeting. AESC BylawsThe organizational structure and rules of the AESC are governed by a set of bylaws. CLICK HERE for the current set of bylaws (amended in 2022). |
Last Updated on Friday, November 04, 2022 12:53 PM |
© American Eye Study Club 10 W Phillip Rd. Suite 120 Vernon Hills, IL 60061-1730