Jerry & Donna Knauer Foundation Lecture-- Richard Abbott, MD; "Using Claims Data as "Evidence" in Creating Clinical Practice Guidelines: Helping Us Reduce Medical Error"
Schedule: Wednesday
Member Lectures Allen, Richard C. -- Navigating the Maze of Periorbital Edema. Periorbital edema may be a confounding condition. Etiologies include infectious, non-infectious (inflammatory and tumors), medications, and post-surgical. The purpose of this talk is to provide an algorithm for the work-up of periorbital edema and present a case review of patients referred to an oculoplastics clinic for evaluation of perirbital edema. Educational objective: To compose an algorithm for the evaluation of a patient with periorbital edema and review the common etiologies from a case series. Schedule: Any day
Bergstrom, Terry -- The Eye Study Club 50 Years Ago: 1962. Summary of meeting, members etc., from 50 years ago. Educational objective: Knowledge of our Club's history and an appreciation of the advances in ophthalmology which have been made in the past five decades. Schedule: Any day
Bogie, Charles -- Repair of Leaking Glaucoma Filtering Blebs. A discussion of the controversies surrounding leaking Blebs, as well as the non-surgical and surgical repairs. Educational objective: This lecture is designed to educate comprehensive ophthalmologists about the rare, buty increasingly common, complication of leaking blebs. Schedule: Any day
Chan, R.V. Paul -- Global Retinopathy of Prematurity Education: Preparing for the 3rd Epidemic of ROP. The overall aim of our program is to create a sustainable technological infrastructure for prevention of blindness caused by retinopathy of prematurity (ROP). ROP is treatable if diagnosed early, yet remains a leading cause of childhood blindness responsible for 19% of pediatric blindness worldwide. ROP is directly correlated with low birthweight and low gestational age, and the incidence of ROP is rising dramatically secondary to the rapidly-increasing neonatal survival ragtes in developing countries. Compounded on this is the inaccessibility of adequately-trained ophthalmologists who are capable of managing ROP. In collaboration with NGOs, such as the Armenian Eye Care Project and ORBIS International, as well as neonatologists and ophthalmologists in Armenia, Vietnam, China, Nongolia, Thailand and Mexico, we are creating ROP educational programs utilizing telemedicine and tele-education. We will share our experience with global ROP education over the past two years. Educational objective: Globally we are facing a 3rd epidemic of ROP with a lack of adequately trained personnel to manage the disease. Currently we don't have well defined solutions to managing this issue. Schedule: NOT Monday
Chiang, Michael F. -- Electronic Health Record Implementation at an Academic Medical Center. The purpose of this talk is to discuss differences in clinical documentation using electronic health record (EHR) systems vs. traditional paper systems. This will be based on a 3-year experience at Oregon Health & Science University. Educational objective: To review differences in clinical ophthalmology documentation using EHR vs. paper-based systems. Schedule: Any day
Coleman, Anne L. -- Strategies for Finding Undiagnosed Glaucoma. The undiagnosed patients with glaucoma have disproportionate characteristics that lead to our needing new strategies to find them. Educational objective: The educational need is how to find the undiagnosed glaucoma patients. Schedule: Thursday ONLY
Coney, Joseph M. -- Genetic Testing and Macular Degeneration. Macula Risk® is a test for genetic markers associated with increased risk of progression to advanced age-related macular degeneration (AMD) with loss of vision. Its availability raises several issues that warrant consideration and discussion, e.g., What is the place of this test in an ophthalmology/retinal practice?; How do test results affect the future care of the patient?; and others.
Educational objective: To gain an understanding of the potential role of this new genetic test in the modern ophthalmology practice. Schedule: Any day
Dhindsa, Hardeep -- Familial Retinal Arterial Macroaneurysms. Description of the clinical presentation, course, and treatment options for this retinal condition. Educational objective: To educate the audience about this condition, which is not widely recognized. Schedule: Any day
Doan, Andrew -- The Internet Influences the Doctor-Patient Relationship. Patients are accessing the Internet for healthcare information and research about their doctors. The information patients find on the Internet influences their opinions. Data show that patients are using the Internet in all age groups, patients do research on their doctors, and patients are influenced by what other patients think. Educational objective: Share data on patient Internet use and why doctors should be attentive to what patients find on the Internet about their doctors. Schedule: Any day
Epley, David -- Cross-platform Application of Two Surgical Techniques. This presentation will demonstrate the use of cornea as a patch graft for glaucoma setons and 25-guage pars plana vitrectomy for removing Sommering's opacification post-surgically in pediatric patients.
Educational objectives: Inform about novel uses for established techniques. Schedule: Any day
Fountain, Tamara -- Not your Father's Yellow Pages: Patient Due Diligence in the Internet Age. Gone are the days when patients rely solely on a few friends or yellow page listings to find and research their doctors. Are you positioned to put your "best foot forward" in the online arena? I will share my experience in managing my online reputation. Educational objectives: Viewers will identify some steps they can take to maximize the marketing power of the internet. Schedule: Tuesday ONLY
Fouraker, Bradley -- If You're Going to Play, You Have to Pay: OMIC Risk Management Lecture. Ophthalmologists and their insurance carriers have successfully defended malpractice claims brought against them. However, there are costs involved in mounting an effective defense. This lecture will review some relevant cases and outline the factors involved in going to court. Educational objective: Have an appreciation for what it takes to mount a successful malpractice defense, and through this, have a better understanding of how to avoid claims in the first place. Schedule: Any day (needs one hour)
Johnson, Anthony -- New HD Optical Lens Surfacing Technology. Free Form optical surfacing technology was introduced a few years ago, and it offers many advantages to conventional lens design. The technology is now becoming affordable in our own private surfacing labs. Embracing this new technology offers real advantages to our patients.
Educational objectives: Understanding the advantages of digital surfacing technology. Schedule: Any day; prefers Monday
Kipp, Michael -- I Can't Wear These Glasses! Adult patient cannot keep on myopic correction without significant asthenopic symptoms. Patient undergoes surgical procedure with only modest improvement in symptoms. Evantual diagnosis found and medical treatment instituted.
Educational objectives: Discuss differential diagnosis of asthenopic symptoms with glasses and review treatment options. Schedule: NOT Monday
Kipp, Michael -- NLD Obstruction and Anisometropic Amblyopia. A review of a large series of over 1,200 children with NLDO found a significant incidence of anisometropia and amblyopia. Unilateral and asymmetric NLDO was correlated with anisometropia. Children with NLDO need closer follow-up during amblyogenic years.
Educational objectives: Inform ophthalmologists about association between NLDO and anisometropic amblyopia. Schedule: NOT Monday
Klapper, Stephen -- Perineural Invation of Periorbital Skin Cancer. Manytypes of skin cancers ahve the potential for deep perineural invasion. Perineural extension of a tumor increases the risks of tumor morbidity and mortality. Several of these challenging cases will be presented.
Educational objectives: To understand the potential risks of substantial morbidity and even mortality from the most common types of periocular skin cancer. Schedule: Any day
Lawrence, Scott -- Gene Therapy for Steroid-Induced Glaucoma: Fact or Fiction. Steroid-induced ocular hypertension and glaucoma present many challenges to treatment. Recent advances in the genetics of glaucoma have provided potential targets for disease modification. Both viral and non-viral vectors show promise for clinical applications in glaucoma.
Educational objectives: Participants will gain a better understanding of recent developments in gene transfer for glaucoma and how they might apply to patient clinical care. The translational principles discussed will carry relevance to other conditions in ophthalmology, as well. Schedule: Any day
Mahajan, Vinit -- Personalized Proteomes for Uveitis Therapy. The etiology of most posterior uveitis is not known, so individuals are typically treated by trial and error with various non-specific immunosuppressive medications. My laboratory is exploring proteomic analysis of the vitreous to rationally select personalized therapies. Our findings also highlight novel molecular pathways in autoimmune uveitis.
Educational objectives: This lecture will address the knowledge gap on how proteomics can support a personalized medicine approach to treat eye disease. Schedule: Any day
Matthews, G. Philip -- The Journey to Transform the Doctor-Patient relationship to a Hospital Network-Patient Relationship. Discussion regarding the new strategies put forth by hospital networks to redirect patient care.
Educational objectives: Practice management planning. Schedule: Any day
Mawn, Louise -- Taking the "Idio" out of Idiopathic Orbital Inflammation. Definition of idiopathic orbital inflammation; presentation of IOI; strategies; decision making; old tratment modalities; and new treatment modalities.
Educational objectives: the red flags of orbital inflammation which confer a more ominous prognosis. Schedule: Any day
Miller, David -- Subspecialty Boarding in Ophthalmology: A Medico-Legal Issue? Subpecialty boards in ophthalmology have long been debated. One consideration in the debate that is often overlooked is the impression this makes in the medico-legal world. A personal review of a lawsuit, and the implication of having only one board in ophthalmology, will be presented.
Educational objectives: To discuss the pros and cons of subspecialty boarding in ophthalmology. Schedule: NOT Thursday.
Neely, Daniel -- Update on Pediatric Vision Screening. Review of new devices and guidelines for pediatric vision screening. Discussion will include current recommendations for pass/fail criteria, as well as a review of currently available objective screeners (vision screening instruments).
Educational objectives: Awareness of pass/fail criteria for pediatric vision screening. Understand the appropriate application of new vision screening technologies. Schedule: Any day
Pelton, Ron -- Pseudotumor cerebri (PTC). We'll discuss PTC diagnosis & treatment. Educational objectives: Explain how to diagnose and treat PTC. Schedule: Any day
Pilkinton, Dale -- Negative Dysphotopsia. Negative dysphotopsia -- current thoughts, cause and solutions on this enigma.
Educational objectives: No one seems to know or agree on the etiology or even the scope of this common condition we are encountering every day. Schedule: Any day
Schwartz, Stephen -- CFH, ARMS2, and Bilateral CNV. In a series of 1,432 patients, older age (79 vs. 78, p=0.0293), CFH Y402H risk allele H (86% vs. 79%, p=0.0475), and ARMS2 A69S risk allel s (76% vs. 58%, p<0.001) were more common in patients with bilateral choroidal neovascularization (CNV) than unilateral. These results confirm and extend earlier findings from our group. Other series may have diagnostic therapeutic implications. Educational objectives: To review new findings in genotype/hpenotype associations with exudative AMD. Schedule: Monday ONLY
Shaw, Hal -- How (Not) to Add Spice to Your Life. A 24-year old man developed ischemic neuroretinopathy with permanent bilateral blindness after smoking synthetic marijuana.
Educational objectives: Alerts physicians to ocular complication of synthetic marijuana not previously reported. Schedule: NOT Thursday
Sprunger, Derek -- Vision Function Improvement after Surgery for Nystagmus. Improvement of abnormal head posture after surgery for nystasgmus is well documented. We will present evidence of improved vision function afer surgery for nystagmus that supplements existing knowledge.
Educational objectives: To enhance the participants' understanding of indications for and results of nystagmus surgery. Schedule: Monday or Tuesday
Weingeist, Aaron -- Intraoperative Suprachoroidal Hemorrhage. Intraoperative hemorrhage during cataract surgery is a rare, but severe complication. A case will be discussed and an overview of recommendations reviewed. Educational objectives: Intraoperative choroidal hemorrhage is rare, so most have little first hand experience dealing with it. Schedule: Any day
Welcome, Brian -- Pull the Cork Out! Giving Goniosynechialysis a Try. Goniosynechialysis can be an effective way of treating chronic angle closure glaucoma with a relatively low risk profile, but its technique may inhibit some from trying. Learning the proper indications and surgical approaches is manageable for general ophthalmologists and subspecialists alike. Educational objectives: To learn the indications and techniques of goniosynechialysis and encourage those currently reluctant to attempt this effective treatment. Schedule: Any day
Wiggins, Robert -- Pinhole Optics.
Educational objectives: Schedule: Any day
Wilson, Matthew W. --Ocular Histopathology of a Non-Human Primate Model of Super-selective Intra-ophthalmic Artery Chemotherapy. Schedule: Any day
Ying, Michelle -- Cornea Conundrums. Several cornea case presentations to be discussed. Educational objectives: To beome more comfortable in diagnosing and treating certain cornea conditions. Schedule: NOT Thursday