2023 AESC Annual Meeting On-site Information and Announcements
Here are some items that may be helpful during your stay at the 65th Annual Meeting of the American Eye Study Club. We hope you enjoy your time with us on the South Carolina Coast!
ANNOUNCEMENTS-- updated during the meeting, as needed
CLICK HERE to access the CME information and evaluation forms
List of Attendees-- (Excel spreadsheet) Contact information can be found in the AESC directory (member log-in to the website required)
Get to know the new members - PHOTOS(PDF document)
(Posted pre-meeting) Welcome to the Wild Dunes Resort! Check here for information and announcements during the course of the meeting. We hope you have an enjoyable visit!
Monday afternoon harbor cruise -- The bus will pick us up in the parking lot next to the Sweetgrass Pavilion (where our general sessions and breakfasts are held). Specific departure times will be announced HERE no later than Monday morning, but generally, it will be about 30 minutes before the 1:30 and 4:00 cruise. The return bus for the second cruise will make a stop at the City Market in Charleston for those who want to stay in town for dinner or entertainment. (You will need to get yourself back to the resort!)
Tuesday -- 3 p.m. . . . Philosopher's Club tonight after the banquet, 6th floor of the Sweetgrass Inn. BYOB!
Kayakers on Thursday morning -- This will be a "get yourself there" deal. Directions to the marina are posted on the whiteboard in the Club registration area. Rich Paul has room for 5 in his car. If you are interested, send a text to him at: 847-571-6585
Recreational Activities Information and Fact Sheets